Friday, October 31, 2014

Verify the Basic Environment Setup for MEC Development

In this post, I thought of describing how to make sure that the basic environment is set up for the MEC development.

You should have the following installed and properly configured.

1. M3 Enterprise Collaborator (Should contain Flat File Repository Manager, Partner Administrator)
2. LifeCycle Manager
3. Infor Smart Office (in case if you need to verify what you have done)

Check for the Infor installation folder in one of your disk partitions, most probably it should be in your system partition. Inside that there should be a folder called MEC.  Inside that, check for the below files and folders.

1. CentralFiles : is the pre-configured folder where Inbound channels are configured to drop the files.
2. Mapper :  Eclips pre installed folder, Inside plugins folder, check whether for com.lawson.xxxx like folders.
3. Workspaces : Eclips work-spaces,

Check whether you have these applications installed.

1. Flat File Repository Manager
2. Partner Administrator
3. Eclips (from the Mapper folder, you might be prompted to enter ION password if you have configured the ION Mapper), This should be available inside your default Infor installation folder i.e. C:\Infor\MEC\Mapper. You need to apply ION configurations to your workspace, to that you need MEC database connection details, M3 API connection details etc. better to contact your technical consultant and get the required info.
4. LifeCycle Manager (Provide your user name/password)

Having these all installed doesn't say go ahead with the development. First, make sure you can log into Smart Office and LifeCycle Manager. Then run MITEST program from SmartOffice and verify whether the described APIs (in the functional specification) are available, and they return valid data.
Before starting the development, it's better to create some test data and verify all the APIs which are going to be used with the development. Until that step completes, do not start the mapper development.

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