Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Creating a Simple SQL Database Wrapper using C#

Intended Audience: Absolute beginners
Prerequisite: Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server (Any version)

If you are a novice to C# programming (like I was), and if you are asked to write a small program as an assignment of your course module by connecting to a Ms-SQL database, this article might help you to solve thousands of your questions.

I'm writing this sample in a very simple manner to make it more understandable, Even when I started programming, the practice that I used was to design the form (UI-User Interface) and then think about the backend development (not even knowing about the 3-tier architecture). So what I did was double click on the button, create a SqlConnection and a SqlCommand, assign appropriate values, and if I want to read data from the database executed to a SqlDataReader or filled to a dataset through SqlDataAdaptor. So for each place I had to duplicate the same coding, which is not a good practice. So My friend told me to write a simple wrapper class and use an object from that class in each place that I called the database operations.

This is how I have done it in the year 2007,
I broke the solution into two projects, UI in a standard windows application (of course you can use WPF application or ASP.Net) and the database wrapper as a separate class library (.dll) project.

If you have a doubt about naming your projects, just try to practice the following naming convention.
Say if your project title is  "My First Project" then name your solution as it is. (See the below images) and when naming the projects in the Visual Studio always start with  MFP.SomeName.

Ok let's go for a hands-on self exercise.
  1. Open Visual Studio 2012, (or any version you have)
  2. Go to File à New  à Project  

3. Locate Other Project Types, If you are using VS2010/2008 or 2005 there won't be a note called Templates, other project types appear as the root node. Select Visual Studio Solutions, then select Blank Solution. Put your project name in the Name text box. In the project location, you can change your solution folder,. Finally, click OK.

4. Then locate the solution explorer sliding toolbar, usually in the right corner, if not left.
    Right-click on the Solution à New  à New Project

5. Select Class Library (right side) from Visual C# node (left side). Type the project name as follows,
<shorten the name of the solution>.<component/layer/tier name> and click OK

Ex. MFP.DataLayer 

6. Now rename the Class1.cs as DBWrapper.cs by  Right click on Class1.cs à Rename  à Type "DBWrapper".

7. The best practice is to remove all the non-used namespaces from the code. The advantage you get in here is a quick response from Visual Studio IntelliSense ( listing down the matching key words into a list box while you are typing)  and fewer collisions due to the same class name within different namespaces. So first remove all unused namespaces from the code by ;
    Click on any using statement à Organize Using  à Remove Unused Usings

if you don't have any idea why these using statements are placed at the top of the code, please read
this post.

Once you remove unused Usings statement, all the using statements will be removed, now include System namespace, and following two name spaces.
System.Data  à Since we are using built in DataSet class objects
System.Data.SqlClient  à Since we are using SqlConnection,...etc class objects

 using System;  
 using System.Data;  
 using System.Data.SqlClient;  
 namespace MFP.DataLayer  
   public class DBWrapper  

8. Let's declare our class variables needed for the database wrapper class.

 using System;  
 using System.Data;  
 using System.Data.SqlClient;  
 namespace MFP.DataLayer  
   public class DBWrapper  
     private SqlConnection oSqlCon;  
     private SqlCommand oSqlCom;  
     private SqlDataAdapter oSqlDtAdptr;  
     private SqlDataReader oSqlDtRdr;  
     private SqlConnectionStringBuilder oConStringBuilder;  

9. Basically, you can connect to a SQL Server using two authentication methods.
  1. SqlServer Authentication
  2. Windows Authentication
      Read this article to grab more knowledge: Choosing an Authentication Mode - MSDN

So I'm going to implement multiple class constructors as follows,
Constructor 1 : Accepts SQL server instance name, and the database name
Constructor 2 : Accepts SQL server instance name, database name, database login username, database login password

 using System;  
 using System.Data;  
 using System.Data.SqlClient;  
 namespace MFP.DataLayer  
   public class DBWrapper  
     private SqlConnection oSqlCon;  
     private SqlCommand oSqlCom;  
     private SqlDataAdapter oSqlDtAdptr;  
     private SqlDataReader oSqlDtRdr;  
     private SqlConnectionStringBuilder oConStringBuilder;  
     public DBWrapper(string sqlInstanceName,string dbName)  
       // Constructor 1  
     public DBWrapper(string sqlInstanceName,string dbName, string dbUserName,string dbPass)  
       // Constructor 2  

10. Now fill the constructor 1 as follows.
 public DBWrapper(string sqlInstanceName,string dbName)  
   oConStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();  
   oConStringBuilder.DataSource = sqlInstanceName;  
   oConStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = dbName;  
   // since you are not giving the sql user name password, you must   
   // enable integrated security  
   oConStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;  
   // create an object from the SqlConnectionClass  
   oSqlCon = new SqlConnection();  
   // set the connection string from SqlCommandBuilder object  
   oSqlCon.ConnectionString = oConStringBuilder.ConnectionString;  

And constructor 2 as follows.
 public DBWrapper(string SqlServerInstanceName, string DataBaseName, string DbUserName,string DbPassword)   
   oConStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();  
   oConStringBuilder.DataSource = SqlServerInstanceName;  
   oConStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = DataBaseName;      
   oConStringBuilder.UserID = DbUserName;    
   oConStringBuilder.Password = DbPassword;   
   //since you are giving the sql user name password, its optional to  
   // disable integrated security   
   // oConStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = false;   
   // create an object from the SqlConnectionClass   
   oSqlCon = new SqlConnection();   
   // set the connection string from SqlCommandBuilder object     
   oSqlCon.ConnectionString = ConStringBuilder.ConnectionString;   

It's not mandatory to use the ConnectionStringBuilder object, you can even directly assign the connection string to the oSqlCon.ConnectionString="Data Source = .....". Hardcoded configurations are not technically accepted at the industry. So better to place the connection string in your app.config file and map it here.

11. Let's create one method for Insert, Update and Delete.
 public int InsertUpdateDelete(string SqlCommandAsString)  
         // check whether the connection is not open  
         if (oSqlCon.State != ConnectionState.Open)  
         using (oSqlCom = new SqlCommand())  
           // set the connection for the commnad  
            oSqlCom.Connection = oSqlCon;  
           // assign the insert query as a text to the sql command  
           oSqlCom.CommandText = SqlCommandAsString;  
           // this will return no of rows affected, by executing the query  
           return oSqlCom.ExecuteNonQuery();  
       catch(Exception Ex)  
         throw Ex;  
         if (oSqlCon.State == ConnectionState.Open)  

When you execute this code, you can verify whether data has been actually saved to the database i.e. any records in db have changed by examining the returned value from this. If you try to insert one record return value must be 1, if it is an update statement and if it has altered (n) no of records in the database, the return value should be n.

12. Next, write a method to take data out of the database. At this moment, I'll explain it using datasets.
The advantage of using the data set is, it will make it easier for you to bind the data into the controllers i.e data grids, combo boxes etc.

Place the following code segment below to the  InsertUpdateDelete method.
 public DataSet FillDataSet(string SqlSelectCommandAsString)  
         // check whether the connection is not open  
         if (oSqlCon.State != ConnectionState.Open)  
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
         using (oSqlCom = new SqlCommand())  
           // set the connection for the commnad  
           oSqlCom.Connection = oSqlCon;  
           // assign the insert query as a text to the sql command  
           oSqlCom.CommandText = SqlSelectCommandAsString;  
           using (oSqlDtAdptr = new SqlDataAdapter())  
             oSqlDtAdptr.SelectCommand = oSqlCom;  
             return ds;  
       catch (Exception Ex)  
         throw Ex;  
         if (oSqlCon.State == ConnectionState.Open)  
13. So this very basic DB Wrapper class is now capable of performing all basic database operations, (Create, Read, Update & Delete). We usually use the term CRUD for these standard operations.

Now, your full class should look like this,

1:  using System;  
2:  using System.Data;  
3:  using System.Data.SqlClient;  
4:  namespace MFP.DataLayer  
5:  {  
6:    public class DBWrapper  
7:    {  
8:      private SqlConnection oSqlCon;  
9:      private SqlCommand oSqlCom;  
10:      private SqlDataAdapter oSqlDtAdptr;  
11:      private SqlDataReader oSqlDtRdr;  
12:      private SqlConnectionStringBuilder oConStringBuilder;  
13:      public DBWrapper(string SqlServerInstanceName,string DataBaseName)  
14:      {  
15:        oConStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();  
16:        oConStringBuilder.DataSource = SqlServerInstanceName;  
17:        oConStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = DataBaseName;  
18:        // since you are not giving the sql user name password, you must enable integrated security  
19:        oConStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;  
20:        // create an object from the SqlConnectionClass  
21:        oSqlCon = new SqlConnection();  
22:        // set the connection string from SqlCommandBuilder object  
23:        oSqlCon.ConnectionString = oConStringBuilder.ConnectionString;  
24:      }  
25:      public DBWrapper(string SqlServerInstanceName, string DataBaseName, string DbUserName,string DbPassword)  
26:      {  
27:        oConStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();  
28:        oConStringBuilder.DataSource = SqlServerInstanceName;  
29:        oConStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = DataBaseName;  
30:        oConStringBuilder.UserID = DbUserName;  
31:        oConStringBuilder.Password = DbPassword;  
32:        // since you are giving the sql user name password, its optional to disable integrated security  
33:        // oConStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = false;  
34:        // create an object from the SqlConnectionClass  
35:        oSqlCon = new SqlConnection();  
36:        // set the connection string from SqlCommandBuilder object  
37:        oSqlCon.ConnectionString = oConStringBuilder.ConnectionString;  
38:      }  
39:      public int InsertUpdateDelete(string SqlCommandAsString)  
40:      {  
41:        try  
42:        {  
43:          // check whether the connection is not open  
44:          if (oSqlCon.State != ConnectionState.Open)  
45:          {  
46:            oSqlCon.Open();  
47:          }  
48:          using (oSqlCom = new SqlCommand())  
49:          {  
50:            // set the connection for the commnad  
51:            oSqlCom.Connection = oSqlCon;  
52:            // assign the insert query as a text to the sql command  
53:            oSqlCom.CommandText = SqlCommandAsString;  
54:            return oSqlCom.ExecuteNonQuery();  
55:          }  
56:        }  
57:        catch(Exception Ex)  
58:        {  
59:          throw Ex;  
60:        }  
61:        finally  
62:        {  
63:          if (oSqlCon.State == ConnectionState.Open)  
64:          {  
65:            oSqlCon.Close();  
66:          }  
67:        }  
68:      }  
69:      public DataSet FillDataSet(string SqlSelectCommandAsString)  
70:      {  
71:        try  
72:        {  
73:          // check whether the connection is not open  
74:          if (oSqlCon.State != ConnectionState.Open)  
75:          {  
76:            oSqlCon.Open();  
77:          }  
78:          DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
79:          using (oSqlCom = new SqlCommand())  
80:          {  
81:            // set the connection for the commnad  
82:            oSqlCom.Connection = oSqlCon;  
83:            // assign the insert query as a text to the sql command  
84:            oSqlCom.CommandText = SqlSelectCommandAsString;  
85:            using (oSqlDtAdptr = new SqlDataAdapter())  
86:            {  
87:              oSqlDtAdptr.SelectCommand = oSqlCom;  
88:              oSqlDtAdptr.Fill(ds);  
89:              return ds;  
90:            }  
91:          }  
92:        }  
93:        catch (Exception Ex)  
94:        {  
95:          throw Ex;  
96:        }  
97:        finally  
98:        {  
99:          if (oSqlCon.State == ConnectionState.Open)  
100:          {  
101:            oSqlCon.Close();  
102:          }  
103:        }  
104:      }  
105:    }  
106:  }  

Let's create a sample UI.
1. Right-click on the Solution and get the add new project dialogue as you did above.

2. Design the form as below

3. Add the reference of your database wrapper project to the UI project as follows.

then tick the DataLayer project as follows, and click OK.

4. Now double-click on the View All Button in the form designer.
   Replace all the using statements from the following
              using System;
              using System.Windows.Forms;
              using MFP.DataLayer;

Note : We have added the project reference, and now we have listed it at the top, so now we should be able to use the DBWrapper class as it's in the same project.

5. Now create an object from the DBWrapper Class as follows

6. Let's show all the students in the database on the data grid. We call this as data binding, in simple words setting the data source to a collection type i.e dataset or an array of objects.
Double-click on the "Read All" button and type the following code.
Note : This is not a good practice to pass the queries from the UI, but this is just for the demonstration without making things complicated.

C# Calling a Parameterised DB2 SP Failed to Return Records

If you are facing this problem while you are trying to connect to the DB2 via  IBM iSeries driver, make sure that you are parsing the  iDB2Parameter in the correct order as specified in the stored procedure.

-- DB2 SP

// C# code block that calls the SP

 // Create command initiates the iDB2Command and set the 
 // iDBConnection
 using (iDB2Command command = CreateCommand())  
     // GetProcedure() will return the name of the SP as a string
     command.CommandText = GetProcedure(); 
     command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    // Note these three lines, Parameters are not given in to the  
    // specific order of the SP
     command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOME_PAR3", SomeValue);
     command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOME_PAR1", SomeValue);
     command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOME_PAR2", SomeValue);

     using (iDB2DataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader())
        while (dataReader.Read())
           // You breakpoint will never hit inside to this block

So make sure you pass the iDB2Parameters in the same order as specified inside the SP.

       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOME_PAR1", SomeValue);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOME_PAR2", SomeValue);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SOME_PAR3", SomeValue);

I have a doubt whether iSeries driver doesn't care about the name you have given as the parameter name, i.e specify as parameter 1 and pass the value of parameter 2. But it's clear that iDB2Command expects the SP parameters in the exact order as specified in the stored procedure.

Hello World !!

Do you remember the first ever programming example that you had tried out, or you have been taught? That's it.... Hope you got it by now, But if not... you should be from a non 1s and 0s background.  "Hello World!" is the first sample program that is usually explained in any computer language.

Since this is the first time that I am writing a blog, I thought of telling you how to write the "Hello World" program in different languages according to the order I've learned.

C :
#include <stdio.h>                                                                            
//This is needed to be included to use the 'printf()'
int main(void)
    printf("Hello World!\n");
    return 0; // Notice the main method has a return type and its int



#include <iostream.h>

int main()
    cout<<"Hello World"<<endl;                                                              //This prints "Hello World" and <<endl makes a new line
    return 0; 

' Allow easy reference to the System namespace classes.
Imports System

' This module houses the application's entry point.
Public Module Modmain
   ' Main is the application's entry point.
   Sub Main()
     Console.WriteLine ("Hello World")                                                       ' Write text to the console.
   End Sub
End Module

using System;
class Hello 
   static void Main() 
      Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World");

All the "Hello Worlds" seem similar to me. How about you? But when you become familiar with one language for a long time you will tend to believe that the languages are completely different, yes of course they do from the technological point of view, but not from the foundation concepts.  

Most of my teenage life was spent with programming, fulfilling my learning thirst every day. 

So this is going to be a beginning of a long journey. I hope my visionary statements could guide me there.

1) Always seek a change, and if the change does not come to you, be the change you want to see around you.

2). Never satisfied with your current status, always improve it by revisiting what you have missed